Fall 2020

Fall 2020 Newsletter

Your Source For Everything Slippery Rock

Congratulations Bob McCafferty for being chosen as the 2020 Tourism Ambassador

Slippery Rock Community Library

Get a group together, get your creative juices flowing, and support the library in our First Annual Scarecrow Contest!!! The event is posted on the library page.

Slippery Rock in Bloom

SAVE THE DATE! OCTOBER 31, 2020. We'll be planting 7000 tulips starting at Memorial Park at 9AM. We'll socially distance and will be wearing masks. Please come and help!

Playthings Etc. is having our store 15th Birthday Celebration on
Saturday Oct 3 ! 
 Demonstrations, giveaways, and of course
15 different CAKES for our customers!
  We are also asking customers to bring in a non-perishable food item
on that day if they can.  We will give the food to the local food cupboard.

Slippery Rock Development


Slippery Rock Development is trying to raise funds to redo the waterfall at the entrance to the Borough. Can you help?


Member Spotlight

Not speaking but would like to highlight your business? Send us a short description of your company or event, as well as photos you would like to add and you could be our next business spotlight! Please send submissions to Audrianna Bly by emailing it to - BlyA@gfhotels.com

We’re officially moved into our new office! Both the lobby and the drive-thru are open for all of your banking needs.

Have news, event information, or a sales listing you want to get the word out about?

Share your business information and postings to the SRBA facebook page. It's a great way to get the word out about your business as well as letting people know what is happening around Slippery Rock!

Please Follow Us On Facebook, And Leave A Nice Review!
Attention Members :
If you have information that you would like to add to this newsletter or if you would like to be in the spotlight section please submit your information to Audrianna Bly by emailing it to - ab@nnphotels.com
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